SAIEEK History
The history of the establishment and the main objectives of SAIEEK
SAIEEK was established on 20th of July 1999, after the private of some companies, who had seen the necessity of consensus, cooperation and synergy in the common problems faced by our sector.
Purposes of establishment
The main purposes of establishing the association
Organization and connection
The organization and the connection in a body of representations and distributors of Medical, Analytical and other related Scientific Equipment and related consumables, under the auspice of KEBE
Progress, development and upgrade
The progress, the development and the upgrade of the Healthcare sector in Cyprus in general and in particular the provision to the consumer of the products referred in the paragraph 1, which are consistent with high International standards.
Quality Health Development
Moral elevation, the development of a spirit of fellowship, solidarity, mutual understanding, trust and cooperation among members.
Free competition and equality
The development of a climate of equal treatment and free and healthy competition between members.
Promotion and Problem solving
The organized promotion of the well-intentioned professional interests and the resolution of problems of our members.
Settlement of relations and disputes
The regulation of relations and/or through collective bargaining or agreements or any other legal means of settling disputes between members.
Boost extroversion
The assistance of the members to reach contact with various Organizations abroad for the import or export of products related to their profession.
Cooperation with Authorities and Bodies
The conduct of any act with any governmental Municipal Community or other Authority or with any Company or person, where deemed necessary or helpful under the circumstances to achieve the purposes of the Association.
Tightening bonds
The development of the communication and the tightening of ties between the members of the Association in any suitable way that leads to social, professional, moral and material solidarity.
SAIEEK has served 9 councils and we are serving the term of the 10th council, while at the same time it has been transformed from an Association to a Union.
We have also been members of the European family of MedTech and we have been following the Code of Ethical Business Practice since 2018, while we have adapted the new Code of Ethical Business Practice (updated vesrion 2022).
SAIEEK has been a member of OEB and every President of SAIEEK participates in the OEB Health Committee.
Due to the specialization of the problems, committes have been developed, which meet on the issues of each brach and speed up SAIEEK’s vigilance procedures..